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Listing Id: 33232 Total Views: 1154

(Sold) Takeover Bubble Tea Central Kitchen cum warehouse

West Coast

Date Closed: 28/02/2025

Asking Price: S$68,000(Neg.)


  • Premise Type Factory
  • Premise Size 1780 sqft / 165 sqm
  • Monthly Rental S$5,000
  • Rental Desposit S$12,500***
  • Revenue N/A
  • Liability N/A
  • Gross Profit N/A
  • Net Profit N/A
  • Stock S$1,000
  • FFE N/A
  • Payable N/A
  • Receivable N/A
  • Owner Role Part Time
  • Staff N/A
  • Established 2022
  • Source Direct Seller
  • ***Inlcude in the selling price

Reason For Sale

Owner medical issues


SFA approved 1750 sqf central kitchen, complete with warehouse and office sections.
Takeover includes the fully renovated (6 months old) factory, equipments, furniture and racks.
It also includes 6 big screen elevator vending machines, 2 smart fridges, 1 bubble tea making machine, 6 conventional fridges, 2 cold brew tea machines and 2 chest freezers.

To renovate a central kitchen of such scale cost more than $120k. The machines plus equipment cost another $130k.
A value of more than $250k now selling for $68k, which includes a $12500 rental deposit. Therefore, you're actually only paying $55500 for everything! Not to mention you save months on rent for the renovation and permits.

About our business:
We are the only SFA licenced bubble tea supplier in Singapore, supplying beverages through vending machines, catering and events.
- SFA food processing licence
- Efficient food factory completely setup
- Unique brewing technique enable our bubble tea to stay fresh for weeks without preservative.
- Sales through vending machine means 24/7 in business without high labour or rental
- Super flexible, can relocate with no cost
- Cooperating with convenience store giant, Cheers
- Sale includes branding, website, suppliers info and recipes
- Owner will provide training to ensure smooth takeover

NOTE: Business had ceased, thus kindly not ask for P/L details.
You're only taking over the central kitchen and equipment. If you're interested in continuing our bubble tea vending business, we'll be happy to share with you the details on a goodwill basis.

Thank you for your interest. Kindly WhatsApp me at 80713347 instead of email.

Business Operation

Food factory with warehouse
Unique, first in bubble tea industry
We can sell our beverages in places where others can't, such as schools, condominiums, office pantry, restaurants, catering and events. Basically to anywhere in Singapore!
Expansion Potential
Support and training will be provided
Support and Training
F&B marketing and sales
Background & Skills

Property Information

Jan 2026
Lease Term

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